How do we act in projects?


Each franchise project is carried out through a process that is customised and created in detail for each company. The characteristics of the business, trajectory, market prospects and development expectations will determine the general lines and objectives of our work.

Assignment of consultant

A senior consultant will be assigned to each franchise project.

Supervision and coordination

The development of each franchise will be supervised and coordinated by Alfa F’s own management.

External intervention

The intervention of external teams will be coordinated.

Assignment of managing consultant

Each franchise project will be assigned a consultancy team headed by a senior consultant. He or she shall perform the duties of the franchise manager and take the decisions relating to the implementation and development of the franchise. Obviously, he or she is not an expert in the company’s own business and will therefore need to be assisted by the employer in all technical matters. The latter will be responsible for all matters related to the activity (suppliers, purchases, equipment, commercial actions, etc.).

Supervision and Coordination

An Alfa F project is a very rigorous and methodical piece of work, carried out according to our own systematic approach that we have successfully applied in numerous cases. The account manager we assign will coordinate and continuously monitor the development of the project and the progress of the franchise organisation. His/Her performance will be permanently supervised and coordinated by mundoFranquicia’s consulting management and, in any case, subject to the deliberations of an Account Council composed of both the account manager consultant, mundoFranquicia’s consulting management, and a maximum of two persons assigned by the entrepreneur.

External intervention

The consultant will in turn coordinate the intervention of external teams that have been approved in advance by the Account Board. In this respect, priority will be given to the service companies with which mundoFranquicia has established cooperative alliances and which it brings to Alfa F as a strategic asset of very high value.

Sessions with the board

Optionally, and depending on the matters to be discussed, the operations management of Alfa F, and even the general management of the accelerator, may form part of this Account Board. This board will hold regular meetings in order to carry out an analysis of the situation and results, take general decisions and plan actions. At its sessions, at the request of any of its components, any member of the assigned teams, both internal and external, suppliers, contractors, experts, etc., may intervene from time to time.